
Intuitive eating

Make eating simple again using the Intuitive Eating approach.

Intuitive Eating (I.E.) is NOT a diet. In fact, it is the exact opposite. Intuitive Eating is a framework for eating that prioritizes health rather than weight, created in 1995 by two Registered Dietitians, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. I.E. is a practice in mindfulness that brings awareness to both physical and mental health- encouraging listening and responding to messages your body is sending to meet its needs. Intuitive Eating is NOT a weight loss strategy- rather it is a way to improve your relationship with food and find freedom in eating.

Intuitive Eating brings you back to the basics of listening to what your body wants rather than what the outside world is telling it to want. We are born knowing what to eat, when, and how much. But, as we age, we tend to let the world around us start to dictate this. Whether it is diet cultural telling us what to eat and how much or our schedules telling us when we can eat, external cues have taken over as we hush our internal ones. Intuitive Eating provides the tools needed to regain control of what to eat, when, and how much.  To do so, I.E. incorporates 10 guiding principles.

10 Principles of Intuitive Eating:

  1. Reject the Diet Mentality
  2. Honor Your Hunger
  3. Make Peace with Food
  4. Challenge the Food Police
  5. Discover the Satisfaction Factor
  6. Feel Your Fullness
  7. Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness
  8. Respect Your Body
  9. Movement— Feel the Difference
  10. Honor Your Health— Gentle Nutrition

These principles are not to be used as strict rules, but rather are there to help guide you on your journey- focus on which principles make the most sense for you! If you are ready to improve your relationship with food and become more in tune with your body, Intuitive Eating might be for you! You can start with reading the Intuitive Eating book.