
Getting Active

Regular physical activity may seem hard if you are just starting out. Finding the right clothes and equipment can be frustrating. You may get out of breath or tire quickly. You may not be comfortable exercising in front of others. These are just a few roadblocks to success, but you can overcome these challenges. You can be active at any fitness level AND you can also have fun and feel good at the same time.

Before diving in to getting active, we must first discuss safety. If you have a chronic disease, severe bone or joint problems, difficulty moving or staying balanced on your feet, or if you get out of breath easily – talk with a health care professional before starting any physical activity. These could indicate that you need to take activity very slow, focusing on low impact activities and potentially seeking help from a physical therapist if you have severe mobility problems.

You do not need to have special skills or equipment to make physical activity part of your life. Many of the activities that you do every day, such as walking your dog or going up and down steps can improve your health, if done with purpose. Try different activities you enjoy; you are more likely to stick with it if you find something that you have fun doing.

One of the most underrated and most valuable types of physical activity is walking. Walking is a no-cost option and easy to do anywhere; it burns calories, improves your fitness, lifts your mood, AND strengthens your bones and muscles. If you do not have time for a long walk, take several short walks throughout your day. Shorter spurts of activity are easier to fit into a busy schedule and a great mood boost throughout your day!

In addition to walking, you can try:

Water aerobics
Strength training
Mind-body exercise such as yoga, tai chi or Pilates

There are many places to be active, you just need to find a location that works best for you. If you enjoy classes in a group setting, a local fitness, recreation, or community center may be for you. If you would rather be alone for your workout, try exercising in your own home with a workout video or finding a fitness channel on your TV or mobile device! Get your family, friends or peers involved in your new activity. An accountability partner will be an extra layer of support in making a habit of your new routine!

Anything that gets you moving, even if you start small, is a great start to living a healthier life!