
Finding your Joy

While we can feel joy in certain situations, joy is a state of mind, not a fleeting feeling.  Cultivating joy, regardless of our circumstances, can help us lead more satisfying lives. Additionally, the ability to find joy can positively impact our overall health and wellbeing by strengthening our immune system, relieving depression, reducing stress and actually helping us live longer. 

How do we cultivate joy? 

  1. Find the good! By looking for the good daily, we practice finding joy and developing a mindset that automatically looks for joy.   
  1. Be realistic but avoid negativity.  There is a difference.  We can see the world as it is, but we can choose not to engage in negative behavior and limit our exposure to it. 
  1. Determine what is important to you and prioritize.  Spend your time and energy where you need it. 
  1. Connect spiritually where you find alignment with your beliefs and values. 
  1. Focus on the here and now.  We are pulled in many directions; relish what is going on right now in your life and stay present to it.   
  1. Give.  Volunteering or connecting to things outside yourself can help you feel fulfilled and satisfied. 
  1. Forgive.  When we don’t forgive, we trap ourselves in the past.  Forgiving makes a better future possible and opens us up to joy. 
  1. Practice thankfulness.  Find the people in your life, the experiences you have, the parts of your daily route for which you are grateful.  Say thank you and put your gratitude into action. 

Remember, joy is not temporary, it is a way of being.  Use these tips to bring more joy to your life on a daily basis, allowing you to gradually have a mindset of joy. 
