Critical Illness

unexpected medical conditions

Critical Illness

Unexpected medical conditions like heart attacks or strokes can leave you with more than medical bills. Critical Illness Insurance pays a lump-sum benefit when you need it most – upon diagnosis of a covered critical illness. It can help you pay for many incidental costs not typically covered by regular health insurance.

If you have questions about Critical Illness Insurance, please call the Voluntary Benefits Service Center at 1-855-276-2109

How it Works

If you’re diagnosed with an illness that is covered, you can receive a lump sum benefit payment. You can use the money however you want. 


The money can help you pay out-of-pocket medical expenses, travel and lodging or to replace lost income.  

Even after you receive a payout for one illness, you’re still covered for the remaining conditions and for their reoccurrence.

The plan also includes a $50 annual wellness benefits for eligible annual health screenings.

Why should I buy coverage now? 

  • It’s more affordable when you buy it through your employer and the premiums are conveniently deducted from your paycheck.
  • You can get coverage without a health exam or medical questions.
  • You may take the coverage with you if you leave the company or retire. You’ll be billed at home.

Who can get coverage? 

You – Choose $10,000; $20,000 or $30,000 in coverage

Your spouse – Spouses can choose $5,000, $10,000 or $15,000 in coverage, as long as you have purchased coverage for yourself.

Your child(ren) – Children from live birth to age 26 are automatically covered at no extra cost. Their coverage amount is 50 percent of yours. They are covered for all the same illnesses plus these specific childhood conditions: cerebral palsy, congenital birth defects, cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome and more. The diagnosis must occur after the child’s coverage effective date.

What’s covered?

  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Major organ failure
  • End-stage kidney failure
  • Coronary artery disease
    Major (50 percent): Coronary artery bypass
    Minor (10 percent): Coronary angioplasty
  • Invasive cancer – all breast cancer is considered invasive
  • Non-invasive cancer (25 percent)
  • Skin cancer (10 percent)
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 
  • Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Functional loss
  • Loss of sight, hearing or speech
  • Benign brain tumor 
  • Coma
  • Permanent paralysis
  • Occupational HIV, Hepatitis B or C