
coverage for your next chapter

ready to retire?

You thought this day would never come, and now it’s here. Here are some tips about your benefits you might find helpful as you transition into retirement.

The Bass Pro benefits department can explain your Bass Pro benefits so you can more fully explore your financial and health care options. Call the HR Support Center 1-417-873-4357 (option 2) or email

what happens when you leave active employment?

  • If you are enrolled, your Bass Pro Medical, Dental, and Vision plans will end on the last day of the month of your termination.
  • All other benefits will end on your date of termination. This includes life coverages, disability coverages, FSAs, and supplemental benefits (i.e. accident, critical illness, etc.)
  • If enrolled at the time you leave employment, you will have the opportunity to continue medical, dental, and vision coverages through COBRA continuation. After your termination, an election packet will be mailed to you with plan rates and instructions for election.
  • If you have a Health Savings Account the account stays with you. Anthem will contact you about individual services.
  • You may be eligible to continue other benefits by contacting the carriers directly. The Corporate Benefits department will provide contact information.
  • Retiree Discount – A retiree discount card may be issued to outfitters who meet eligibility criteria found in the Outfitter Handbook. Contact your site HR partner to initiate the process for a card.

helpful retirement resources

Here is a list of internal and external resources you might explore in preparation for your last day at work.

401 (K) Savings Plan

After termination, you will be mailed a termination packet from Voya. You can also contact Voya for information on distribution options at 833-277-6401.

  • Distribution options depend upon your account balance.
  • Learn more about planning for retirement at under the Financial Wellness Library.
Employee Assistance Program

The EAP has educational resources to help plan for retirement and adjust to lifestyle changes. You can talk with a counselor by calling 877-240-6863. EAP services are available to all Bass Pro outfitters and the spouse and children at no cost, regardless of health plan enrollment. Visit Health Advocate to access.

Health Care Marketplace

Do you need to bridge your health care until you are eligible for Medicare? You can research health coverage options available through the marketplace. How does it compare to your COBRA continuation coverage options? Find more information at


Learn more about Medicare and receive guidance from Medicare experts at SmartConnect or by calling 855-322-1551.

Social security and medicare

Contact your area Social Security Administration office and learn about your options. Online go to A good rule of thumb is to contact the Social Security office 90 days before you turn 65. Here are some additional questions to ask:

  • If you are 65 or older, have you already applied for SSA or Medicare benefits?
  • How does Medicare coordinate with your COBRA continuation coverage? What about Medicare supplement plans?
  • When are you eligible for SSA income benefits? Do you want to start your benefits early or wait until full retirement age?
  • Will you continue working? How will this affect your SSA benefits?

Not sure how you should be preparing to retire? Our partners at Voya have provided a guide to help you take specific, simple steps as you near retirement.

5 reasons to start saving today

This Voya eBook provides an overview of the plan features and information on saving and investing for retirement. You can also view informational videos.